Heritage Preservation

The GPO Food Market, all through its development, has strived to retain every element of identity from the old days of being the Liverpool General Post Office.


From the original GPO logo, seen here, to the pigeon-hole elements incorporated into the food market’s bar, you’ll see pieces of the past everywhere in the new GPO. Even the acronym ‘GPO’ has been repurposed from ‘General Post Office’ to ‘Global Provisions Outlet’ to reflect how the building used to, and still will, connect people from all over the world.

If it ain’t broke…


The GPO was originally designed as a high-productivity Post Office, with efficiency and accuracy in mind. In today’s GPO, you can take that sentence, and simply replace ‘Post Office’ with ‘Food Market’.


In the bar, for instance, the same shelving used for sorting and filing letters will now be used to sort and categorise the various drinks on offer. The timeless design lends itself to not looking out of place, and still being as functional as the day it was conceived.

Take a step back in time…


June 10

Where we are now

Where we are now
June 10

The GPO Reborn

The GPO Reborn
June 7

Nothing has really changed, has it?

Nothing has really changed, has it?
August 14

A New Generation

A New Generation
May 5

Keeping with the times

Keeping with the times
February 2

A New Era

A New Era
February 2

At the Forefront

At the Forefront
June 7

Back to the Start

Back to the Start

Experience the GPO yourself